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Showing posts from January, 2019
Completed : Uncharted 4 Not a big fan of the series. Reason being its uninspired base gameplay: Mudane Shoot and cover style shooting mechanics and scripted Melee fights that looks great but feels lacking for a video game. Uncharted 4 starts off strongly in a more mature way and soon deflects back into the action and drama but loses its way towards the end seeming forced and anticlimactic after all that build up. Also, the game could have used more quality puzzles. Apart from these, it inarguably does the job Uncharted is better known for and with great balance : Cinematic storytelling with charismatic human characters and their well done relationships, Amazing pacing in an action packed treasure hunt and beautiful awe-inspiring moments of both visual and spiritual nature. -- Uncharted 4, a second favourite in the series for me uses plenty of throwback nostalgic moments and wraps the Nathan Drake Saga to a fitting conclusion.