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Showing posts from August, 2018

Wolfenstein : The New Order - Inhale.Count to Four. Exhale.Count to Four.

Wolfenstein : The New Order (Death incarnate)  Inhale. Count to four. Exhale. Count to four.  Yes, you will need this trick from Captain Blazkowicz and not only for the countless hordes of resilient nazis you will have to slaughter on your way to freedom but also inspiring moments which are a result of excellent writing. The New order tries to make great strides by combining classic shooting mechanics with fast paced action in an alternate Nazi acquired world war setting, but it doesn't succeed to make the jump over its age old issues. The perk system is well defined into categories encouraging to try different approaches and rewards you with further chained abilities accordingly. Stealth is surprisingly very effective and somewhat balances the typical over the top action. And above everything else, the alternate-history world war setting where we attempt to suppress nazis rule over the world in the long captivating journey capturing the emotions o...

God of War : Ascension - A huge step back from the series with only a handful but moments of pure brilliance!

Completed : God of War - Ascension My Vengeance ends now. All platinums of the original God of War series done with the last and definitely the least favorite Ascension. Ascension shows how even the worst combination of the God of War formula can still net a game which is still worth it : arguably being the most difficult God of War platinum and it doesn't even have the challenge of the gods. I feel lucky to have done lubed up and trail of archimedes in a few tries. On to the game, as I said the worst combination of the God of War formula with : Kratos's back story which isn't bad but is presented unevenly and adds little to the epic tale. And the combat that has been changed just for the sake of doing something different (when its basically the same which is not a bad thing) but none of the changes seem a way forward. Combat doesn't feel as fluid with a slight delay in response time of block. Interrupting enemy attacks also seems less viable, thus ...

Replaying Ghost of Sparta : System Defining and Still Worth it!

Completed : Ghost of Sparta After the latest refreshing take on the series thought wouldn't enjoy this one as much as I used to. But it's fair to say that I didn't miss the newer one. Also having played it multiple times earlier didn't greatly affect its replay value as was going for the platinum and spartan mode is always worth it. Only the last couple of arena encounters with keres wraiths provided a challenge in an otherwise effortless playthrough in comparison. On to the game, Ghost of Sparta turns out to be a well balanced God of War game almost on par with its console counterparts. The game never turns dull continuing its momentum from start to finish with what God of War is known for. Great enemy variety,lively action set pieces and music to fill in on a journey to Kratos's past with decent (only decent to the high God of War standard) progression reproduces a godly feeling with the same smooth brutal combat. Although, the game could have d...