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Wolfenstein : The New Order - Inhale.Count to Four. Exhale.Count to Four.

Wolfenstein : The New Order (Death incarnate) 

Inhale. Count to four.
Exhale. Count to four. 

Yes, you will need this trick from Captain Blazkowicz and not only for the countless hordes of resilient nazis you will have to slaughter on your way to freedom but also inspiring moments which are a result of excellent writing.

The New order tries to make great strides by combining classic shooting mechanics with fast paced action in an alternate Nazi acquired world war setting, but it doesn't succeed to make the jump over its age old issues.

The perk system is well defined into categories encouraging to try different approaches and rewards you with further chained abilities accordingly.
Stealth is surprisingly very effective and somewhat balances the typical over the top action.

And above everything else, the alternate-history world war setting where we attempt to suppress nazis rule over the world in the long captivating journey capturing the emotions of war, tragedy and undying human spirit is well executed.

Still with all these elements, initially couldn't get through a normal two hour session without an eventual worn out feeling, which other modern fast paced shooters seem to handle better.
Restricted field of view, manual pick up system, shaky animations/movement, grinding run and gun boss battles and ambushes with an auto save system that left me with scarce ammunition and health in difficult areas and a few tedious fetching tasks in between accounted for it.

A great many steps forward with the brilliant setting and storytelling.While staying true to its roots, it avoids to grow in certain areas gunning for an orthodox first person shooter that is fun and very interesting if played for limited hours on a go.  

Sometimes Christmas... Sometimes Birthdays...
Sometimes Mayhem, Suffering and Death...
Sometimes you just need to feel... Something Good.


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